Tuesday, May 20, 2008

5 Things About Cambria

Preston tagged Cambria, so here are 5 things about her...

1. She loves to dance. Whenever she hears music (it doesn't matter what kind) she says "dance" and starts to wiggle. She has little dances she does for everything, but her favorite is to copy the penguin from Happy Feet and stomp around in her church shoes because they make a lot of noise.

2. She loves babies. We heard a baby crying the other day at Target and she kept saying "why's baby crying mommy?" She gets very concerned whenever she sees a baby cry. She tries to pick them up. Sometimes we pretend we are crying so she will come take care of us and give us hugs.

3. Her favorite shows are Veggie Tales, Elmo's World, and Spongebob. She knows all the songs. When she wakes up in the morning or from a nap she always wants to stay in her crib and watch Elmo or Veggies.

4. She loves to do anything outside. We have been working really hard at Aaron's grandma's house so that his parents could sell it, and the last couple of weeks we have been doing yard work. She would help us by putting weeds and tools in her wagon and pulling it around the yard. She also loves to play at parks, and ride on the 4 wheeler and grandma's house. We always have to drag her inside kicking and screaming because she could stay outside forever!

5. She loves to go to nursery. We have to be carfeul not to say play or nursery during sacrament meeting or else she will throw a fit and try to run to the nursery. When we moved to Idaho Falls I thought she would have a hard time because I was in the nursery in our old ward, and so she would be alone, but when we took her there she ran for the toys and never even looked back! She loves to play with all the toys and the other kids. In our ward here there were about 13 kids! So I think she will like it a lot.

There are too many other things I could write about her, she has a great imagination, and a very LOUD personality!! We love her so much!

Cambria tags Brody, Aiden, Ayla, Callie, Daphne, and anyone else that wants to!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Craft Night

This is what I made. Isn't it cute?

Happy Tax Refund To Us!!

We finally got our tax refund and so we decided to get a 42" plasma, for our mothers/fathers day presents. Aaron has been wanting a new tv for a long time and I only wanted to get one if we could pay for all of it and not have to owe any money. So we did, and I love it! Elmo and Spongebob look so big. Since Aaron works for Cable One we also get all the movie and HD channels for free, so it is REALLY nice. I love to watch the cooking channel in HD, the food looks so good, but it always makes us hungry.
Some Pictures From This Weekend

Friday night was the Father's and sons campout, so Aaron went with his dad and his older brother Kory and his 2 boys. So we (Aaron's mom, me, my sister in law Tarea, her mom, and her daughter Abby, and some of Abby's cousins) had a girly craft night. We went to eat and then we took some pictures of Cambria and Abby for our craft project and then we ate junk food! I will post pictures of what I made as soon as I finish it, it is almost done.

We are getting closer to finishing Cambria's room. We can't paint or anything, but it is looking more like a little girl's room. We haven't done much, but she has a lot of toys. She has a princess couch and a princess chair, and a kitchen set with a matching dining table.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Feed The Birds!

Yesterday we went to the Green Belt by the Idaho Falls Temple to feed bread to the geese. At first Cambria was really scared of them and wouldn't let go of Aaron but after a few minutes she was chasing them and laughing at them.

In this picture she was yelling "bike" as a person was riding past us on their bike. I'm pretty sure she scared them because she has a very loud voice.

I'm not sure why she does this, but when she is laughing at something she bends backwards to laugh.

Monday, May 12, 2008


Pause my music at the bottom of the page first. He is going to do a better job as Edward than I had thought. I'm SO excited!!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Try These!!!

The next time you make baked potatoes they better be these. I saw this on the food network and we made them last night.

The Bomb Bakers
1 1/4 cups salt
6 medium russet potatoes washed
2 tablespoons garlic salt
2 tablespoons seasoned salt
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

In large mixing bowl dissolve 1 cup kosher salt in 8 cups of warm water. Add potatoes. Insure that all potatoes are submerged, and brine for 2 to 8 hours.
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
Remove the potatoes from brine and liberally coat with the remaining kosher salt, garlic salt, seasoned salt, and pepper.
Place the potatoes on a wire rack in the center of the oven and bake
for 45 minutes. Do not puncture skin with tongs, fork, or tooth picks. Potatoes will be soft to the touch when done.
Let potatoes rest 5 minutes before cutting.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Our New Apartment!!

We finished moving into our new apartment in Idaho Falls. It is really nice. It had vaulted ceilings which I love, and a bay window. It has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. It is kinda weird because the 2nd bathroom is also the laundry room. It is painted a light tan and the trim around the floors and the doors is white, so we won't have to break the rules and paint like we did in vegas.Here are some pictures, and remember that we are not finished decorating yet!

This is the 2nd bathroom, ours looks just like it but without the linen closet. This is the washer and dryer next to the shower (weird huh?)
This is looking from our table, I couldn't get a good picture of our family room.
The kitchen, it is bigger than our last kitchen so I am excited!
I love bay windows!!
Our porch.
This is looking at our kitchen from the couch. We are going to get bar stools to put at that counter.