You can always tell when the girls let Daddy do their hair! They loved it, and Cambria thought it was cute that Ashlynn's hair is getting long enough for pigtails.
We shampooed our carpets in the family room a while ago and the girls thought it was the funnest thing ever to have our furniture in the kitchen. For some reason we are really hard on our carpets wherever we live.
Cambria and her cousin Fiona made these heart shelves at Home Depot, and then they painted them at our house. They turned out really cute.
I keep seeing the commercial for the big dipper pizza at pizza hut for only $12 and I love pizza hut, so we got it on Friday night. It was so good. Corey, Brenna and Justin came over to eat too and we still had leftovers!
Cambria found this huge card at the store for grandma and grandpa so we had to buy it. She thought it was funny because it was so big. She colored it and drew cute pictures. I love that she can write now, it is fun to watch.
The girls loved the stuff they got from grandma and grandpa. They are so spoiled.
Ashlynn got cozy while she was waiting for the cookies to bake. That is the big card behind her. I forgot to take a picture of it once they opened it.
She loves animals, except for when they touch her or lick her. It was cute though because she would lay by molly and then talk to her, pet her and hug her.
Cambria does a really good job frosting cookies, but then she puts a lot of sprinkles on them.
This morning the girls got more stuff. We also had pink heart shaped pancakes but I didn't take any pictures.
I got to go help out at Cambria's school today. It was really fun to see her at school. She says really funny things, but she also knows when to sit and be quiet and she tries to get the kids around her to be quiet too. She is so smart!
Aaron and I never really do much for Valentine's Day because our anniversary is on the 19th and we usually do something fun that day. I read a story to Cambria the other day about Minnie Mouse and her friends, they had a picnic inside because it was rainy. So she wanted to have a Valentine's Day picnic inside for dinner. It was so cute. We had foil dinners and chips. She put the plates, forks, napkins, ketchup, and chips inside the picnic basket.
They got cards in the mail from Amma and Appa that had Toy Story stickers. My kids love stickers and Toy Story is their favorite movie. When Ashlynn saw the stickers she said "yay woody!" and Cambria said "Amma always knows what I like." Then they put the stickers on their shirts.
The next time we get bored I am just going to move the furniture and let them run around. They had so much fun. They are both still afraid of the vacuum. Cambria thinks her toys are going to get sucked up.
7 months ago