For some reason I thought this baby would come early, but I am not that lucky. I was induced on Tuesday at 40 weeks and 2 days. I didn't get my epidural as early as I wanted to so I was in a lot of pain for a while. After a few hours I had to be put on oxygen because his heart rate was going down during every contraction. It was scary because I could tell the nurses and doctor wanted him out pretty quick. I pushed twice and he pretty much fell out. They had to cut the cord before he was all the way out because it was around his neck.
I was trying to rest but it hurt so bad.

He looks really pale in this picture, like a ghost baby.

Cambria was just dying all day to come and meet her brother. She always wants to hold him. Ashlynn is starting to ask if she can hold him too and today he sneezed while she was holding him and she thought it was so funny.

We let Cambria stay home from school wednesday so that Grandma could bring them to the hospital to have breakfast with us and the baby.

He is my tiniest baby. He has such skinny legs. He was 7lbs 2oz and 20 inches long.

Aaron got to give him his first bath. He was so relaxed and loved it.

Getting ready to come home. So far he loves his car seat, it puts him right to sleep.

I'm not sure if Sarah or Corey took this picture but I love it. He always puts his hands up by his face.