Aaron won a trip to San Diego a few weeks ago for being in the top 7 sales people for the whole company last year, go Aaron! It was the best time ever! I was so nervous to go and leave my kids, I knew they were well taken care of (thanks Brenna and Peggy) but I have never left them before so it felt weird. I took a bunch of pictures on the airplane because it had been about 5 years since I had flown anywhere. Aaron even let me have the window seat, even though I offered it to him.
This was the bridge we had to take to Coronado island where our Hotel was.
The view from our balcony. As soon as we checked in to the room we wanted to go explore. It has been SO long since just Aaron and I have been on vacation. It was fun but it also felt like we should be changing diapers, letting kids nap and pushing strollers so when we had free time we didn't know what to do.
The Hotel Del Coronado was built in 1888, so it is very old and has settled and all over the place the walls, floors and hallways are crooked and dip down. It was kinda funny.
This is the whole hotel. We were amazed at how large it was. It was right on the beach so we went for walks at least 3 times a day.
The first night they had a get to know you type dinner for all the Cable One people, it was outside by the ocean but we didn't take pictures. Almost every meal was a buffet, and had such good food. Everything was cheesy and buttery. I miss the food. When we got back to our room every night there was a gift from Cable One. This bag had treats inside, you know, the expensive nuts and candy you see in the hotel gift shop that you don't buy because it's expensive...
There was cool looking old furniture all over the hotel, this was kinda right by an old elevator above the lobby.
This was the rewards dinner the second night. This is the first time I have ever had a full 7 course meal with tons of silverware and several wine glasses. They even gave us the stuff to cleanse your palate. It was lemony and Aaron ate all of his because he thought it tasted like lemon sorbet. FANCY. You can kinda see the ocean out the windows too.
I think this is the next morning. We woke up early every day, mostly because we were some of the only people not drinking the night before, and I felt like 6 (which was already 7 in Idaho) was sleeping in, and we actually got a full nights sleep. I didn't want to waste any time there. We would walk on the beach and collect sea shells for the girls, and then go to breakfast. I should also mention that breakfast every morning was also a buffet, there was fresh fruit, donut holes, a yogurt bar, omelet bar, ham, bacon, biscuits and gravy, pancakes waffles, and some delicious stuff that almost tasted like red enchiladas, there was a lot more but I can't remember everything. It was so hard to decide what to eat every morning. So many choices! We only had to pay for 2 of our meals while we were there. Cable One even gave us $100 to cover the cost of meals that they didn't provide. It was so nice. I loved being outside in the morning. The wind was calmer, and it was quiet, not very many people around. There was a guy that drove a big machine to groom the beach so I also wanted to get there before he did and all the good shells and things were gone.
After the awards dinner we had these nice windbreakers waiting for us. They were nice to have on the sail boat.
One of our many walks around the hotel. I never got tired of being outside and looking at all the different plants there.
This was a little walkway that goes to our room. Its weird because the doorway that's around the corner from Aaron that leads into the hallway has no door. So you could always feel the fresh air and breeze in the hallways.
It was sunny only a few times that we were there. A lot of the pictures look like it was cold, but 65 definitely feels better than 30!
I thought all of the things that washed up on the beach were cool. Aaron thought it was gross that I was touching them. I have only been to the ocean once before when I was very little, so I felt like a kid. I was running around and picking up everything to examine it. We came home with a lot of shells and sand dollars. After we got home I even found some seashells in the pocket of my jeans. When I went to bed at night I had a hard time falling asleep because I was excited to walk on the beach in the morning.
This bird was out early in the morning with us enjoying the sun.
My hand is full of shells.
Some nice lady took a picture of us.
Aaron thought I was weird but I had never seen seaweed up close.
The ocean!
I had to get my feet in the water even though it was freezing.
Some guy made this. It was really cool, up close you can see that he even made the bottom part look like tiny bricks. Amazing.
Now you have seen the first 2 days of our trip, hopefully it won't take me so long to post the rest.
8 months ago
Dad & I were very impressed how articulate you were in the explanations of each picture. We could feel how excited you were to be there and we felt like we were experiencing your trip with you. Looking forward to seeing the rest.
Glad you had a fun time!!
The whole time we were there I had fun, of course, but I kept thinking "if the trip ended now I would be ok with that, ive had enough fun", I wanted to see the kids. Now that we are home though I want to go back! It was so fun to have that much free time. No driving kids around, laundry, cleaning, cooking and all that. Maybe we will win the trip next year. We should all go to the beach together someday. Start saving your $!
That looks like so much fun! Did you see any ghosts in your room? I enjoyed your explainations like mom and dad did. Cant wait to see the rest. I also LOVED the look on your face in the seaweed picture.
P.s. its me, not tom.
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