I have the greatest Mom in the world. When I was little I always took cupcakes to school for my birthday and one day we forgot them, and after she dropped us off at school she went back to get the cupcakes and brought them to me. She was still going to school herself and ended up missing her class because I just had to have my cupcakes. Her Professor had started locking people out of the class when they were late because college kids were playing around and always late to his class. So she stuck around until it was over and explained to him that she was not playing around that day, and she had 5 kids she had to get up and get ready for school before she even came to class. i must have been really little because I don't really remember this, I just remember her telling me. So it makes me feel kinda bad that I probably threw a fit until she brought me the cupcakes, and it completely threw off her whole day and I don't even remember it. But I am so glad to have a mother who cared enough to put aside what she had to do that day so that I would be happy.
Another time when I was in highschool I woke up one saturday morning around 4 and was throwing up. When she finally got out of bed I remember her asking me why I didn't come tell her I was sick. At the time I felt silly going to wake my mom up when I was old enough to take care of myself, but now I realize, especially when I am sick, that I wish she could be here and bring me sprite and crackers, and even though I am old enough to take care of myself I will always need my mom. So even though these are not the most interesting stories they always remind me of how much my mom loves me.
So happy Mother's Day Mom, Mer, Grandma, Sarah, Stacey, and everyone else who is a mother!!
8 months ago
Great stories and Happy Mother's Day to you!
Thank you for your memories. You'll find that no matter how old you become you will never stop needing your mother. There are still many times that I will think "I wish my mother was still here so I could ask her". I love being your mom and always enjoyed taking care of you. I only want my kids and grandkids to be happy and good. I wish that I could be with you now to help take care of you until your baby comes. I can't wait until June to see you again. I love you and happy mother's day to you also. Love Mom
hahahahaha, of course you wanted your cupcakes.... I can just see you begging and crying for them. Some thing never change:) Happy Mother's Day sis, can't wait until we see your new baby, get her here safely!!
Yeah, I'm amazed at all mom has done for us. and there's probably lots we don't even know about.
Happy Mother's Day! I love you!
p.s. Maybe when I come to visit, I can take some pictures of you and your TWO daughters!
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