Monday, October 25, 2010

Pumpkins and a Party!

On Saturday we went to the pumpkin patch so we could carve pumpkins later that night. It was FREEZING and windy! Winter is here already, it is supposed to snow sometime this week. Cambria and Ashlynn had fun running around and picking pumpkins. We got some huge ones.
Our little pumpkin. We put that on her because we wanted it to help keep her head warm. She likes wearing it around the house too.
Corey looks cute also!
When we got home Brenna and Corey surprised me with this! We had pizza, cookies, cake, and made caramel apples. It was really fun. Thanks guys!! Then we all carved our pumpkins.
I look like such a dork but this was the best picture of me. Also I discovered that the spicy nacho doritos are my new favorite.

The cake was so good. It says celeprise, it is a word I made up that has stuck apparently!

Aaron did his hair for the party.
Caramel apples, they came out perfect. Mom, we need to make these for Christmas!!!
Last year i made these and the caramel and chocolate slid off of them, not this year.
Cambria will not stick her hand in the pumpkin. She said she was afraid. I have always loved carving pumpkins, and I don't mind taking out the pulp.
I told her to taste it.Cambria's pumpkin even had eyelashes.

Corey's creepy pumpkin took her hours. It was fun to watch her make it. I didn't get a good picture of it all lit up, so maybe she will post one on her blog.
Cambria got to dress up for preschool today. She was so excited to be Jesse. I was hoping one of the other kids would be woody. I will have to search the neighborhood on Saturday when we go trick or treating, it would be cute to get a picture of her with woody. Or maybe I should just go get Aaron a woody costume!

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Ashlynn loves to get "cozy". When we tell her to get cozy she will get a pillow and blanket and lay down. She also likes to sit right next to or on Cambria all the time.

I got the camera out because she wouldn't stop kissing Cambria. It was so cute.
We made mummies. Well they look more like the mummies babies. Cambria doesn't know the difference between mummies and mommies.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Weekend in Utah

We spent Friday night and Saturday in Utah. We went to a harvest festival and did a lot of shopping. Cambria and Ashlynn loved the festival but got tired of the stores. We took Cambria to the Disney store in the mall and she was in heaven. Aaron's dad distracted her so we could get her stuff for Christmas. Then we took them to build a bear, and ashlynn got really excited. She loves animals, especially dogs (well pictures of dogs and stuffed animals, our kids are kinda scared of them in person) so while we were there we got Ashlynn a puppy for Christmas.

This is one of my favorite pictures!
We were the first people to go down the slide that morning and it was wet! Haha.
We went on a hay ride through a corn maze.

Jaymee showing the kids how its done.
Cambria just kept saying "I'm a cowgirl"!
We were watching a pig race.

We went to Texas Roadhouse on Monday night because it is family night there. They have someone doing balloons and free ice cream sundaes. Cambria got a horse with a cowgirl. Ashlynn got a poodle, but it didn't even make it to the end of dinner. Oh well!
I have been forgetting to post videos. The first two are from that cheer camp Cambria went to. I though the second one was funny because you can tell she wasn't paying attention. The last one is the first time Ashlynn went down a slide by herself.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Our friends invited us to their family's campsite for dutch oven cobbler one night for FHE. The ride there always reminds me of The Land Before Time, because you drive through farmer's fields and then you turn a couple corners and then you see this, which doesn't look as cool on the camera. It reminds us of when they first see the great valley on the movie, it makes us laugh.
Cambria was sharing her gold fish with everyone. She was being really weird, she said other "humans" were going to come eat with us.

Ashlynn made a new friend. They were cute and kinda talking to each other and sharing their food.
The cobbler, which turned out fantastic! Half of it was apple with caramel, and the other half was peaches. All of it was fresh fruit which makes it taste better.
They were holding hands.
The next week for FHE Corey was here and so we made a haunted house.
I think it looks really good. I was kinda mad because it already came assembled and it was broken! So we had to glue a lot of pieces back together before we could decorate it.
We cut her mullet off the other day. She looks a lot better. Cambria and Ashlynn fight over these.
We have been wanting bookcases for a while, but the one we like was $4oo!! So Aaron and his dad built us this one. And it did not even cost close to $400. So lucky for us they know how to do this kind of stuff. Aaron painted it black, and it looks exactly like the one we wanted, even the trim is almost the same.
Fancy huh?
We are eventually going to make another one and put it on the other side and get rid of the tree. I also told Aaron I want a corner bookcase like this for my kitchen so I can put Christmas decorations on it. I said I need it by Dec 1st! We'll see...
That is what we have been up to. I haven't taken pictures much but we are going to be in Salt Lake this weekend, so I will try to take more pictures.