Monday, June 13, 2011

Our Garden

We have planted a few things in our backyard this year, we will have to wait and see if anything grows. So far we have a few plants that are starting to pop up.
The girls really liked digging around in the dirt.
Corey also had fun digging in the dirt.
Cambria Fiona and Ashlynn like to cook at Grandma's house, and they look so cute in the aprons Grandma made them.
It got up to 80 degrees a few days ago so we played outside as much as we could, and we even got a little sunburned. It felt kinda nice.
Grandma and Grandpa bought this tent because the girls like to have sleepovers in Blackfoot with Fiona, so now they have a tent to sleep in. They set it up at our house and Cambria was so excited. She ran and got into her pajamas and then quickly set up their "campsite".
These kids are adorable.

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