I mowed the lawn for my first time ever the other day. And yes I mean my first lawn, ever, in my whole life!! I thought it was really fun too!
Ashlynn makes some really funny faces. She has tons of hair, and it just keeps growing! Her roots are growing in light already so she will look like she belongs to us in no time!
Corey took this picture. Ashlynn smiles all day, especially when you are talking to her, but I just haven't been able to get a full smile on camera yet. She just stares at the camera when I try.
This swing is up at the cabin. We love going there, and it is starting to cool off during the day there so it is very refreshing!!!
Corey at the cabin while we were waiting for our foil dinners to cook (which by the way were just about the best dinners we have ever had!)
You may have noticed this umbrella in the last couple of posts, and you should expect to see it in many more to come, because she hardly goes anywhere without it.
A few weeks ago Aaron and his dad (and I helped a tiny bit) rebuilt this fence that is on the road on the way up to the cabin. It looks so nice. We just need to finish it.
7 months ago