We are so proud of Cambria, not only did she look so cute, she also had the crowd laughing during the first dance because of the faces she was making, and she was spinning like a ballerina when she wasn't supposed to in the dance. It was perfect! I had people asking me after if she was supposed to be twirling because she was in the very center, but nope, she did that on her own. I also had someone tell me it was the perfect ending to the dance. She is just not shy at all, and I am so glad that she loves to be the center of attention. You can tell in the second video that she gets distracted a little, she is the one on the far left. I love watching the little kids on stage because it doesnt matter what they do it is always cute! Enjoy the videos!
Our camera wasn't working that night so I will have to get the pictures of her all dressed up from Aaron's parents and post them later. You can see she still has a little makeup on, I really caked it on so she didn't look so washed out on stage. Grandma made this sucker bouquet for her and gave it to her after, she loved it so much. It even got to sleep by her.
Very cute!
I can't wait until i can put Brinley in a dance class. I wish i could have gone to Cambria's recital. She is just so hilarious. Makes you wonder if Ashlynn will have the same personality or if she will be shy.
Love these videos! She is so cute!
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