The girls woke up extra early Sunday morning, around 7:30, so we went downstairs to see if the Easter Bunny came. Ashlynn and Cambria found the half eaten carrot we left out for him. Cambria told everyone she could see the bunny's teeth marks in the carrot. Ashlynn didn't really want to hunt for eggs, she just started eating candy right away. It seems like I buy new baskets every year. I always see one that I think it cuter than the ones we have, and the girls didn't have matching ones so now they do. We bought these dresses a few months ago when a store went out of business and they were half off. Ashlynn's was a little long but they looked cute. Aaron took them outside before church and got a bunch of cute pictures. It has been cold and windy here still but Sunday was warm, the sun was out and there was no wind. We even walked to church. Then we went to Blackfoot for dinner, the girls played outside with their cousins and had a lot of fun.
Ashlynn has just barely caught on to playing dress up. She used to get mad if we tried to put a princess dress on her. Now she loves it, and she likes to put on shoes, anyone's shoes she can find. She ran into the kitchen and tried to hid from Cambria behind the towel. It is funny how kids always think if they cover their face you can't see them. Fiona had a roller skating birthday party and it was so fun. It reminded me of when I was in 7th and 8th grade and the cool place to hang out was Roller King. I don't think I have skated since then. Cambria spent the whole time falling down, even after the guy there tightened the wheels so they barely turned. She said "I think this was a mistake" and "this is a nightmare". So her and most of the little kids played on the little jungle gym they had there. Fiona and her cute cupcakes. She thought this was the funniest thing in the world. Ignore my weird face, I never look good in pictures. But I look good in skates! It was fun. I need to get me some so I can skate around the neighborhood. They had strollers there so you could skate with your little kids. I wasn't sure if Ashlynn would like it, but she would get mad when we got tired and stopped. So we had to keep moving as much as we could. I think she almost fell asleep. This is what the kids did most of the night. Playing dress up with Emily. Those crocs are the shoes that Ashlynn likes to wear the most. Yes she is trying to sit in her baby's car seat. Aaron put Cambria in the crib the other day and they actually liked playing in there together. So I left them there for a while. Spring is coming slowly. We have had a few days warm enough to play outside, but it has been too windy. So we end up coming back inside after just a few minutes. Cambria and I watched a movie while Ashlynn was asleep and we made movie snacks. I used this tray a while ago and now she thinks we have to always put our movie snacks on it. I also have used it to serve them dinner. They think it is fun.
My mom came to see us this weekend because Corey graduated. It was a quick trip but we had fun, and we got to go to Rexburg twice to see Corey. We all forgot cameras the first night, so we will have to wait for her friend to post them, but I took a bunch of pictures the next day. Corey was a little sad because she didn't get to walk in with all the graduates because she was sitting up with the choir, but it turned out better because we saw her right away and it showed her on the big screen while they were singing. She is the person in black on the front row of the choir in between the blue shirt and the red shirt. Her last walk on campus. We had to walk back to her apartment but first we wanted to see the new buildings and the book store. She wanted a picture of this because she was in the I. This is the new place to eat. I'm not sure what any of the buildings names are. The cool new walkway. This building is huge. Proof that I was there too! Her last day at her apartment.
Ashlynn loves shoes. She goes in my closet and likes to try on all of my shoes. This kid is going to cost us a fortune when she is older! My mom always put up a birthday banner when it was our birthday, so I always put one up. I have a lot of them too. Most of them are girly so I had to get a boy one. Cambria and I woke up kinda early yesterday to decorate for Aaron's birthday. I told her to be quiet because he was downstairs and I said if we were quiet and he didn't know we were awake then he would be surprised when he came back upstairs. So she yelled down to him "don't come up, we are decorating!" Our party guests. Aaron made some delicious pulled pork sandwiches, this is one of his favorite things to eat. It was really good. Cambria made him a cute card. Everytime she writes something her handwriting gets better. I love it. I also love how she draws people. The triangle is her dress. She is growing up so fast. In 2 months she will be 2!! I made this for Aaron so he could hang it up in his office. It turned out really cute, but when i was making it I accidentally did Cambria's hand twice. I got him some and so did his parents. He should be good for a few weeks! I didn't have 32 candles but it took long enough to light all of those! Happy Birthday Aaron!
We have been married since February 19, 2005. We lived in Rexburg for a while and then Las Vegas, and now we are back in Idaho!
Cambria is 5 now, and getting ready to go to school! She loves to play dress up, dance, put on makeup and sing. She is the best big sister.
Ashlynn Vayda
Ashlynn is 2 going on 16. She loves to boss Cambria around and she likes to do everything herself. Some of her favorite things are animals, tutus, pizza and dancing with Cambria.