Saturday, November 22, 2008

Surprise party!

Yesterday was Aaron's dad's birthday. Cambria and Aaron went over to their house for a surprise party with Jaymee and the rest of the grandkids. I still have been feeling kinda sick in the mornings and at night so I didn't go, but I have been feeling a little better during the day so I think I will at least get to eat on Thanksgiving. This morning sickness really has been the worst!!! I will be 12 weeks on Wednesday so I think it will start going away and I can finally put on the pounds!!!
Of course Cambria was more than willing to help open the presents.
Cambria and aunt Jaymee!
I had to post this. Aaron was very impressed with Cambria's picture of him. He came running in to show me and was very excited that she put hair and eyes and a nose and a mouth. None of her other pictures have ever looked like anything yet, she is so smart!

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