So we went in for our THIRD ultrasound today and the baby's legs were still kinda close together, but my doctor said it was a girl! He wants to do another ultrasound in 4 weeks just to be positive and because he doesn't charge me for them, we will just have the ultrasound when I go in for my next appointment, but he said he is pretty positive it is a girl!!! We are so excited, I would love to have a boy, but I think it would be so much fun for Cambria to have a little sister to play dress up with, and everything we have is really girly and pink, so we would have to buy tons of stuff if we were having a boy. Anyways, I am really excited, but I am kinda shocked because the first time we went he said he thought it might be a boy, and because I have been really sick people were saying it could be a boy, so I have just been looking at boy names, so now I have to start thinking of girl names! YAY!
Here is just a silly picture of Cambria and Aaron wearing some pillows on their heads (the pillows that are full of those little bead things). And no that is not Cambria wrapped up in the blanket, and no it is not a doll or stuffed animal either, she wrapped the BLANKET in another blanket because it was cold.
7 months ago