I wish everyone could come to church with us just to watch Cambria. She really is very entertaining. Ok so while the kid is saying the prayer for the sacrament Cambria says in her very loud voice "Is that Heavenly Father? Is he talking to us from the roof in heaven?"
Then, during primary she just could not sit still. She was popping up out of her chair to dance, and she even did the moonwalk across the floor in front of everyone. She sits in the very front row, middle seat so she is in everyone's view.
The Lady doing sharing time held up a picture of a prophet with a long beard and was giving the kids clues and all the kids were shouting out names of prophets they knew to try to guess. Cambria says "Your all wrong. I know who he is.... It's Santa Clause."
At one point the kids behind her were getting kinda loud so she stood up on her chair and was individually pointing at every kid being noisy and telling them to "BE REVERENT"!
I sit in the back with my class and when I can get her attention I tell her to sit down and be quiet, but she forgets in about 2 seconds. Most of the teachers in there look at me when she does something funny, and I can tell they are trying to so hard not to laugh so that they won't encourage her or other kids to act up. They tell me after church that she is so cute, and has a huge personality. I don't want to give you guys the impression that she is a wild kid that acts like this all the time, because she can be quiet, but she just says what she thinks and is not shy. I have had some people tell me I should put her in an acting class. Maybe I should not let her have sugary cereal before church.
When I was little my dad used to say I was funny. He would call me the girl with a million jokes, and every time I would say something funny he would pretend to count them, and then I would have a million and three jokes. Cambria is the girl with a billion jokes, and I should write a book about the things she says. It would be very entertaining.
8 months ago
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